‘Fin du Temps’, the CD featuring Takemitsu’s ‘Quatrain II’ and Messiaen’s ‘Quatuor pour la fin du Temps’ stands amongst the best recordings in 2021, according to the prestigious magazine Scherzo.
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Works by Takemitsu and Messiaen.
José Antonio Cantón│Scherzo Magazine│January 2021
[…] The performance of this instrumental quartet must be considered as a true artistic event… José Luis Estellés entered fully into action in the Abîme des oiseaux, suspending the sound of his clarinet in space… thus achieving one of the most astonishing moments of the concert, which left a feeling of total dissolution of time, all seasoned by the appearance of intervals that curiously pointed to some modulations of the overwhelming melopea of the third act of Tristan invented by Wagner for the English horn.
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Fin du temps. Works by Takemitsu and Messiaen. CD IBS Classical
Marc Rochester│MusicWeb-International│September 2020
[…] This is not only a recorded performance of the Quatuor pour la fin du Temps which I would recommend unreservedly, but the one which I would suggest stands as about the best currently available on CD… This is extraordinarily special music-making from all four players, and the result is a performance of rare potency.
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Fin du temps. Obras de Messiaen y Takemitsu. CD IBS Classical
Santi Riu Solé│Revista Segarra│Septiembre 2020
[…] Los intérpretes muestran un trabajo lleno de transparencia, equilibrio de voces y cohesión. Podemos destacar momentos de gran belleza como el solo de clarinete que ofrece José Luís Estellés con un fiato y un sonido siempre sensual -Abime des Oiseaux -con unos crescendos que no parecen tener fin- y que son servidos con verdadera poesía.
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Diario de Sevilla – “El abismo de la eternidad”